Art Madness Volume I, CD-ROM features a theme of "Science and Art". Over 10,000 clip art images are provided in black and white bitmap and 24 bit color space images. This volume includes 10,000 bitmap images from the collection of Rich Wald, over 100 items from SCAD courtesy of Jim Alley, classic photos from Reginald Muhl and 48 great space photos. Movies are provided for easy viewing of the contents of the disk using the AMUG QT Remote player.
AMUG QT Remote
In order to properly play these movies you will need to be sure to install QuickTime 1.5 or higher as these movies use Apple's Compact Video compression. QT Remote allows you to play one of the clips provided or play them all. You will find QuickTime version 1.6 in the AMUG:Apple:QuickTime 1.6 folder. Drop the init on your closed system folder and it will install it appropriately.
To play a movie simply click its
name with the mouse. To play all
movies push the "Play" button.
Selecting a file and then clicking
on "Play" will play all movies from
that point.
Clicking on the "Pause" button
will pause the movie currently
playing and rename the button
Clicking on the "Resume" button
will cause the movie to continue
The AMUG Video Controller will
allow you to view the huge
library of clip art provided.
All of the files are in pict format, so
use your favorite compatable
paint program to manipulate
the files as you wish.
We have include some examples of our Music Madness sound series in the movies provided. We hope you enjoy them! You can order the Music Madness Series from AMUG or your favorite mail order house.
Rich Wald Series...
For the first time ever we have provided Art Madness purchasers the Rich Wald series of clip art in Pict, Stacks and Movie format. These formats will make it easy for you to find the category and file you are looking for. The movies provided automatically view each page at 1 second increments.
Once you find the page you are looking for you can copy it from the pict file or the movie files using simple player on this CD-ROM.
SCAD Images...
Our next group of pict, eps, and movies is a collection of over 100 pieces of art from teachers and students at the Savannah College of Art and Design. These items of interest can be viewed by "QT Remote" as well and copied from simple player or your paint program. Read the text file in this section for more info on SCAD and SMUG. Thanks to Jim Alley for providing this interesting collection.
Classic Photos from Reginald Muhl...
This collection consists of four classic photos of nature. Chipper is a great shot of a chipmunk. Declining praire is a barn in the middle of a vast field of wheat. Steps includes a fantastic forest scene of which we have no others to match its quality. These are 640*480 versions as well for working with video or background scenes.
Photos from Space...
This collection consists of forty eight of the nicest space them picts we could assemble. There are 640*480 versions as well for working with video or background scenes. We have also included great animation files from Fred Kuentz. These include his "Sky Queen", Satellites and more. For more info on Fred read the read me files in his folder.
The AMUG folder contains information on the group, software for AMUG preferred, a listing of our Library, a list of more CD-ROM's, and some neat Movies. Every purchaser of Art Madness gets a FREE month membership.
BBS in a BOX
The AMUG CD, BBS in a Box contains over 9,000 files and 1.4 gigabytes of information. This huge library can be used by individuals or BBS systems for the latest Macintosh file system available. Support is provided for personal use, First Class, Telefinder, Hermes, MUBBS, Second Sight, and Mansion. Retail value is $119.00 with updates issued every 4 months at $50.00 to registered users.
Music Madness Series
AMUG's Music Madness series includes music loops and sound effects in 11k, 22k and 44k - 16bit stereo. These digital sounds can be used in your multimedia presentations. Over 600 megs of sound files are provided on each volume. Retail value is $99.00 with new volumes issued every 6 months.
Flash Series
AMUG's Flash Gordon series consists of several full feature Flash Gordon films currently out of copyright. This series includes 160* 120 and 320*240 size movies and our QT Remote player so that you can watch all 48 minutes if desired. These clips are great zingers in your multimedia presentations. Retail value is $49.00 with new volumes issued every 6 months.
Art Madness Series
AMUG's Art Madness series includes Science and Art its first issue. This volume contains over 10,000 bit map images and many color photos of space. Retail value is $79.00 with new volumes issued every 6 months.
See our order form in the next chapter!
This collection is provided to you by the Arizona Macintosh Users Group, a non-profit corporation. Its purpose is to provide education and assistance to its members in the use of Macintosh Computers and related products. AMUG membership and annual dues are $39.00, US funds. By turning in the membership form in this document you can get a free one month membership.
AMUG is not affiliated with Apple Computer, Inc. Apple is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. Macintosh is a trademark licensed to Apple Computer, Inc.
More detailed Information about AMUG or its activities can be found
in other notices on the BBS, in the Newsletter, or from the AMUG 24
hour Hot-Line (recorded message), telephone: 602 277-5142. Or, you can
correspond by mail or phone to:
4131 N. 24th Street #A-120
Phoenix, AZ 85016
(602) 553-8966
(602) 553-8771 FAX
Additional Products Available!
AMUG has several other products available for Mac Users including BBS in a BOX, Music Madness I , Music Madness II, and Flash registered users can obtain discounts on these products by sending in their registration information. Send name, address, phone and product purchased to AMUG at 4131 N. 24th Street A-120, Phoenix, AZ 85016 (602) 553-8966 if you want to obtain registered user information.
More QuickTime Projects on the way!
AMUG is currently working on several other QuickTime projects that you will see in the near future. Keep us in mind for your QuickTime needs and feel free to call us at (602) 553-8966 or (602) 553-8771 fax.
Individuals or companies may utilize the clips on Art Madness in their creations/presentations provided the user is a registered user with Arizona Macintosh Users Group and that all applications or uses contain credit acknowledging AMUG for any part or portion of the files used. The credit must appear in the “about box” or where other credits are listed. These files may not be sold or distributed as a collection or utilized in any product in competition with the AMUG CD-ROM collection. Questions on this license may be referred to:
AMUG, 4131 N. 24th St. A-120, Phoenix, AZ 85016 (602) 553-8966.